December 13, 2021 Issue
The LA&PS Research Office publishes a bi-weekly Research Digest to keep faculty members informed about important research issues and opportunities.
If you or your unit is planning an event, a notice or a funding opportunity that you would like included in our Digest Newsletter, please send these to
In this issue:
LA&PS Spotlights

LA&PS: A Year in Review
The Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) at York University is the largest and most diverse Faculty of its kind in Canada with more than 22,000 students, 90+ undergraduate degree and certificate options, 22 Master's and 16 PhD programs. Over 650 faculty members bring their diverse experiences across our three areas of scholarly focus: humanities, social sciences, and professional studies.
Our research and academic commitment at LA&PS were developed in the context of three significant areas of social challenge and opportunity:
- The global Covid-19 pandemic
- Worldwide solidarity against anti-Black racism
- The ongoing commitment to centre reconciliation efforts to promote the resurgence of First Nations, Métis, Inuit, and all Indigenous peoples.
In this Spotlight, we are pleased to introduce "LA&PS: A year in review", where we celebrate some significant research achievements, summarized on our Accolades website featuring a visual interactive infographic, for 2020-2021. We also feature some initiatives launched and accomplishments supported by LA&PS over the last year in response to the emerging social challenges of the pandemic as well as York's commitment to reconciliation, equity, diversity, and inclusion, including:
- COVID-related research and initiatives
- The Inaugural Black Scholars Research Fund
- Canada and York Research Chairs in LA&PS
- Newly launched Communications and knowledge mobilization initiatives
LA&PS Research Office team is committed to supporting our faculty members in identifying opportunities for research funding, partnership development and knowledge dissemination. "Our staff and internal programs help our researchers achieve success in this competitive environment with end-to-end support from proposal to grant administration and knowledge mobilization," explained Dr. David Cuff, Director, Strategic Research & Partnerships, LA&PS Research Office. Learn more about the Research Office supports.
DARE stories: Jonathan Obar and team
The Dean's Award for Research Excellence (DARE) was launched in 2017 to allow students to fully engage in a professional research project with one of our world-class faculty members.
"The Dean's Award for Research Excellence program is a wonderful opportunity for undergraduate students interested in developing research and knowledge mobilization skills," emphasized Jonathan Obar, Associate Professor in the Department of Communication & Media Studies. Dr. Obar is an active DARE faculty member and mentor who successfully collaborated on different DARE projects over three consecutive years.
In 2019, Obar collaborated with Jessica Pan, Communication and Media Studies, on a project entitled: "Open communication for an open internet? Understanding ISP transparency about network neutrality". The project was turned into a co-authored academic paper published in the Canadian Journal of Communication. "The mentorship and lessons I received during my DARE experience continue to inform the work that I do now, and prepare me for my grad school experiences," Pan emphasized.
The 2020 collaboration was with Lior Magalashvili, Communication and Media Studies, on their "Clickwrap Attack: Understanding Digital Clickwraps and the Online Privacy Threat" project. The project was mobilized as both a presentation at a prestigious academic conference, TPRC, as well as a co-authored piece. "The skills I gained in the DARE program have been fundamental to my education and future career goals. I learned how to implement a research project, co-develop educational deliverables and how to present my research," said Magalashvili.
Obar's most recent 2021 DARE project entitled "The Future of Big Data: Understanding Digital Service Data Retention Policies and Implications for Online Privacy" in collaboration with Tiana Putric, Disaster and Emergency Management, evaluates the extent to which digital service providers are transparent about data retention policy. Learn more about this year's projects and awards in this Yfile Story.
The Fifth Round of the DARE competition (2022) was announced on December 1st, 2021. Faculty members interested in submitting a DARE project to work with a DARE student, please complete the Mach form for DARE research project postings (Stage 1) by January 6, 2022, by 4:00 pm EST set up the DARE for Faculty webpage.

Internal Notices
**New Program Announcement**: LA&PS Research Leaders Release Program (RLRP)
LA&PS has launched a new initiative in the Faculty: The LA&PS Research Leaders Release Program (RLRP). The RLRP complements existing programs providing research-based course load reductions to LA&PS Faculty Members, including the Research Release Program in the York-YUFA collective agreement.
LA&PS Faculty Members may submit requests for 1.0 or 1.5 FCE, which must be taken in the next academic year.
The RLRP Applications deadline is 9:00 AM Eastern on February 7, with results communicated on or around March 15. For instructions on how to submit an application to the RLRP, please refer to the LAPS-RLRP Guidelines.
If you have questions about the RLRP, please contact the LA&PS Research Office,
Dean’s Award for Research Excellence - Undergraduate (DARE 2022)
The Dean’s Office has launched Round Five of the Dean’s Award for Research Excellence - Undergraduate (DARE 2022). DARE provides opportunities for LA&PS undergraduate students to engage in research projects supervised by faculty members over the Summer Term. The value of awards will be $5,000, paid to undergraduate students as a monthly stipend in the summer months (May-August).
If you are interested in submitting a DARE project to work with a DARE student, please complete the Mach form for DARE research project postings (Stage 1).
The deadline for faculty members to submit a project description is January 6, 2022, by 4 pm. We encourage you to start thinking now about your description, student responsibilities and student qualifications. You must submit a project posting if you wish to work with a DARE Student.
Postings for DARE Projects will be published on January 17, 2022, and remain active for viewing by students for three weeks. The DARE 2022 - Memorandum - Dec 2021 outlines the steps in selection and nomination of DARE students for your project.
Important Update! Faculty members can submit up to two (2) distinct project descriptions, i.e. with different titles, objectives and research outcomes. Only one student may be nominated per project. We ask that faculty members submitting more than one project send a note to the Research Office (email to is sufficient) ranking the projects by preference, in case we receive more project submissions than we can support.
If you have any questions, contact and/or consult our new DARE website, with information for students, faculty and access to submission forms.
Call of Self-Nominations: SSHRC Impact Awards 2022
The LA&PS Research Office is inviting Self-Nominations for the SSHRC Impact Award competition, in the following four categories – Gold Medal, Insight, Partnership and Connection. For the Faculty of LA&PS Internal Process for SSHRC Impact Award nominations and the Institutional Process managed by VPRI, please review the attached memoranda:
- VPRI Memo, outlining the institutional nomination process: LA&PS SSHRC Impact Awards 2022 - CFP - Final
- LA&PS SSHRC Impact Memo, outlining the Faculty’s mandatory internal process for SSHRC Impact Award self-nominations: VPRI memo - SSHRC Impact Awards 2022 - final
SSHRC Impact Awards are designed to build on and sustain Canada’s research-based knowledge culture in all research areas of the social sciences and humanities. SSHRC Impact Awards recognize outstanding researchers and celebrate their research achievements, research training, knowledge mobilization, and outreach activities funded partially or entirely by SSHRC.
LA&PS has an internal process for submission and selection of one (1) nominee in each Impact Award category to forward to VPRI for institutional approval. If you anticipate making a submission to the 2022 internal process, it is strongly recommended that you contact the LA&PS Research Office prior to the commencement of the holiday break.
The mandatory LA&PS Internal deadline for self-nominations is 4 PM, Monday, January 10, 2021 (submission details provided in the above memorandum).
If you are interested in putting your name forward in one of the award categories, please contact Ravi de Costa, Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Studies ( and/or David Cuff, Director, Strategic Research & Partnerships (, as soon as possible.
Call for support: French-speaking research support at YorkU
Are you a French-speaking researcher? Do you want to help support French-language research at York University? LA&PS and Glendon are leading an initiative to support French-language research at York. Please email Maxime Dagenais, LA&PS Research Facilitator ( if you are interested in participating or want to know more!
Êtes-vous un.e Francophone? Aimeriez-vous encourager la recherche en français à l'Université York? Nous espérons introduire (avec Glendon) une initiative visant à encourager la recherche en français à York. Si vous êtes intéressé ou vous voulez en savoir plus, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Maxime Dagenais, LA&PS Conseiller en développement de la recherche, (!
Call for nominations for the President’s Research Awards
- Deadline for nomination: December 20, 2021 **Deadline extended**
The Senate Committee on Awards invites current or emeritus tenure-stream faculty members to nominate colleagues for the President’s Research Excellence Awards:
- The President’s Emerging Research Leadership Award (PERLA) recognizes full-time faculty members within 10 years of their first academic appointment, who have had a notable impact on their field(s) and made a significant contribution to advancing the University’s international reputation for research excellence while significantly and positively contributing to one or more aspects of the York community’s intellectual life. The PERLA will be conferred to two researchers, one from each disciplinary cluster.
- The President’s Research Impact Award recognizes full-time, active faculty members whose body of research or scholarship has translated into a notable impact on communities, individuals, public policies or practice, or translated successfully into impactful commercial or other applications, while significantly and positively contributing to the University’s research culture and reputation.
- The President’s Research Excellence Award (PREA) recognizes senior full-time faculty at the rank of professor, with distinguished scholarly achievements who have had a notable impact on their field(s) and made a significant contribution to advancing the University’s international reputation for research excellence while significantly and positively contributing to one or more aspects of the York community’s intellectual life. The PREA will be conferred in alternating years between the two disciplinary clusters. This year, the PREA is open to researchers in Cluster 1, Engineering, Science, Technology, Health and Biomedicine.
The criteria and nominations forms can be found on the Senate Committee on Awards webpage. Please notice the deadline extension in this Yfile story.
Call for nominations: President’s University-Wide Teaching Awards
The President’s University-Wide Teaching Awards honour those who, through innovation and commitment, have significantly enhanced the quality of learning by York students. Nominations are due Jan. 28, 2022. Read more
Online Safety and Security for Researchers Guidelines
the Canadian Journal of Communication (CJC) has put out Online Safety and Security considerations for authors, aiming to start a discussion about how institutions can best prepare and support researchers who fall victim to online harassment campaigns.
LA&PS SSHRC Insight Development Grant Information Session
The LA&PS Dean’s Office cordially invites you to an information session on SSHRC Insight Development Grants.
- Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2021
- Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon (EST)
- Place: Meeting via Zoom (RSVP for invitation details)
Unlike other SSHRC grants, this application requires a Canadian Common CV and is submitted using the Tri-Agency Research Portal. LA&PS Faculty Members are reminded that the Dean’s Office is pleased to offer support for applicants to create or update a CCV for this, as well as other, grant opportunities where a CCV is required, at no cost to you. If you wish to take advantage of this service, please contact Grandlyn Gomes, LA&PS Work Study Student (, to request support.
Kindly RSVP to Dr. Maxime Dagenais, Research Facilitator (LA&PS), at to request Zoom details for this virtual information session.
The University Offers International Travel Guidance
Following on the Government of Canada's lifting of the advisory for fully vaccinated Canadians to avoid all non-essential travel, York University offers international travel information for faculty, staff and students. Read more.
Notice: Electronic Submission of External Grants through Office of Research Services
Given the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, ORS is now accepting electronic submissions of research applications. If you have questions about this process please email Dr. Max Dagenais at You can review here a description of the external grants submission process and the two versions of the ORS checklist.

Internal Grants
UN SDGs essential to 2022 Academic Innovation Fund grant applications
The Academic Innovation Fund, created in 2010, supports the implementation of projects that advance York University’s institutional priorities outlined in the University Academic Plan, Strategic Mandate Agreement and the Institutional Integrated Resource Plan.
AIF proposals should be submitted to the Office of the Dean, where they will be reviewed, approved and ranked. Faculties are encouraged to set internal application deadlines that will enable the proposals to be provided to the Office of the Associate Vice-President Teaching and Learning by email at by 4 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 11, 2022.
Centre for Feminist Research 'Kickstarter' Grants
- Value: $1,000 - $10,000
- Duration: 1 year with a possible 1-year extension
- Deadline: Please submit your proposal and your up-to-date CV (including any prior grants) to by February 1, 2022. Successful applicants will be contacted on February 18, 2022.
With funding from the Office of the Vice-President, Research Innovation, the Centre for Feminist Research at York University invites proposals for feminist research projects led by Black, Indigenous and racialized scholars with a preference for early career researchers and/or researchers who have not previously held a major grant. The Principal Investigator must hold a PhD at the time of application and must be associated with the Centre for Feminist Research, either as a Faculty, Research, or Community Associate, Visiting Scholar, or Postdoctoral Scholar.
Proposed projects may produce, but are not limited to, the following outcomes:
- Journal article or special issue
- Conference or speaker series
- Artwork or exhibits
- Workshop series or other community events
Please submit a maximum of two-page proposal outlining your project with an additional one-page budget sheet detailing the funds requested. Proposals should include:
- Title of project
- Summary of project
- How the project draws from and contributes to Black, Indigenous, and racialized feminisms
- The research plan and timeline
- Outcomes, including research outputs
Please direct any inquiries to
Canada-China Initiatives Fund
The York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR) invites applications from York University faculty and graduate students for the Canada-China Initiatives Fund call for proposals.
YCAR is now accepting applications for the 22 January 2022 deadline for activities such as:
- Workshops or conferences “at York” (or in which York plays an institutional partnering role) that bring together researchers from York and elsewhere that are focused on CCF themes
- Virtual events and initiatives
- Research projects by York faculty on issues within the CCIF’s stated scope
The application forms and more information are available on YCAR website or email
York-Massey Fellowship Announcement
Deadline: January 11, 2022
York-Massey Fellowships are open to York faculty members planning to go on sabbatical or other leave during the 2022-23 academic year. The Fellowship provides for shared office space in the College for a period of eight months during the academic year, and the status of a full Senior Resident of the College. As well, all York-Massey Fellows retain their membership in the College as members of the Alumni Association for as long as they choose to maintain these memberships.
Upcoming Internal Funding Opportunities
LA&PS faculty members are reminded that a comprehensive list of internal research funding opportunities is available on our new website (see below). This list includes short descriptions of several individual programs operated by the Dean's Office as well as VPRI. Internal funding opportunities can be accessed Internal funding opportunities can be accessed here.
Upcoming Deadlines:
- LA&PS Senior Scholars' Research Fund - Application Form - Deadline December 15, 2021
- Seed Grant for Collaborative Research Initiatives - Application Form (Doc.) - Deadline January 15, 2021
- LA&PS Black Scholars Research Fund - Application Form (Doc.) - Deadline January 15, 2021
- Sabbatical Leave Fellowship - More Information - Deadline January 15, 2021
- Exchange Conference Grant - Application Form (PDF) - Deadline February 1st, 2021

External Notices
2022-2023 updates to the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) program
This past year, the NSERC portion of the Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) was increased from $4,500 to $6,000. Increasing the value of the award reflects the importance of the USRA program to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). For the upcoming year, the program’s literature will now emphasize that USRA funds are intended to offset a portion of the salary costs associated with the hiring of USRA recipients. This change in literature reflects NSERC’s understanding of what constitutes employment in Canada.
Please refer to this Memo_2022-2023 updates to the Undergraduate Student Research Awards program to learn more about the update to the literature on the program description and there are no changes to our policies or financial practices.
Consolidated NSERC and SSHRC Telephone Numbers
To continue to modernize services, the agencies are consolidating their telephone numbers to their toll-free telephone number (1-855-275-2861), which will serve as the new single point of entry for contacting all of the two agencies’ directorates and programs. This new telephone number will be activated on December 6, 2021, and is published on the Agencies’ websites. Other dedicated program and team directorate numbers will no longer be in use.
We kindly ask that you update your contact information for NSERC and SSHRC as of December 6 and share this information within your organization and networks.
Announcing new CFI and Mitacs collaboration
The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and Mitacs are working together to provide researchers with new opportunities to collaborate with innovators across all sectors. As part of this initiative, they are inviting Navigator-listed facilities to leverage Mitacs’s extensive network to identify specific private-sector organizations, industries, or other partners they would like to collaborate with.
Navigator-listed facilities will also have even greater potential for discovery as the Navigator becomes an essential tool in Mitacs’s mission to connect industry with research-based solutions to business challenges.
You can help researchers at your institution reach potential partners by encouraging them to list their eligible facility on the Navigator. Since its launch in 2013, the Navigator has helped hundreds of innovators locate and connect with publicly funded research facilities that are open to collaboration. Visit for more information.
SSHRC Upcoming Webinars
SSHRC will be holding a series of webinars for applicants and research administrators on upcoming competitions. The webinars will be held via WebEx at the following dates and times:
- Insight Development Grants (French): Thursday, December 16, 2021 (10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. EST)
- Insight Development Grants (English): Thursday, December 16, 2021 (1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. EST)

External Grants and Fellowships
NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program
- Value: $1.65M over 6 years
- Application Procedure
- Phase 1: Letter of Intent (LOI) – Due May 2, 2022
- Phase 2: Full Application (by invitation only) – Due September 22, 2022
- Deadline: The iNOIs are due no later than March 17, 2022 by email to Maheen Hasan (
CREATE initiatives provide a value-added experience to the university training environment that includes the development of professional skills among students and postdoctoral fellows that complement their qualifications and technical skills, with a focus on providing an enriched training experience for graduate students.
Please see the NSERC website for more details on the CREATE program. For examples of successful CREATE programs, please review the list of competition results. You can find here York York iNOI form. For more information and the iNOI submission package please contact Maheen Hasan, Strategic and Institutional Research Specialist, in the Office of Research Services at
NSERC Idea to Innovation (I2I) Grants
- Market Assessment
- Value: Funding is available with a maximum contribution from NSERC of $15K (75% of project costs).
- Duration: up to one year
- Deadline: Friday, January 7, 2022
- Phase I - reduction to practice stage
- Value: Funding is available to a maximum of $125K, and is non-renewable. NSERC will assume 100 percent of the direct costs of research for Phase 1 projects.
- Duration: up to one year
- Deadline: Monday, April 4, 2022
- Phase IIa - Technology Enhancement
- Value: NSERC will support up to two-thirds of the costs of the project with the early-stage entity providing the balance in cash. Funding requested from NSERC should not exceed an average of $125K per year.
- Duration: IIa – 6-18 months
- Deadline: Monday, June 27, 2022
- Phase IIb – up to 24 months
- Value: Funding requested should not exceed $350K for the duration of the project. NSERC may fund up to half the cost of the project, with the company providing the other half through a combination of in-kind and at least 40% cash contributions.
- Duration: up to 24 months
- Deadline: Monday, September 26, 2022
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) is accepting applications to the Idea to Innovation (I2I) Grants Program. This program is available to university researchers to accelerate the pre-competitive development of promising technology originating from the university and college sector and promote its transfer to a new or established Canadian company. The I2I Program provides funding for four phases (Market Assessment, Phase I, Phase IIa and Phase IIb). Objectives include:
- To accelerate the pre-competitive development of promising technology originating from the university and college sector and promote its transfer to a new or established Canadian company
- To provide funding to college and university faculty members to support research and development projects with recognized technology transfer potential.
- To provide crucial assistance in the early stages of technology validation and market connection
Proposals under this program must include a detailed technology transfer and commercialization plan prepared and endorsed by the university. Please contact Yaser Kerachian, Commercialization Manager for VISTA at or ext. 33843, for VISTA-related proposals. For everyone else, please contact Anna Han, Commercialization Manager at or ext. 44315, prior to preparing your application.
Faculty members interested in applying should contact Emina Veletanlic, Grant Development Specialist, at Mandatory internal deadlines for ORS for full application review are:
- Market assessment: Monday, December 6, 2021
- Phase I: Monday, March 14, 2022
- Phase IIa: Monday, June 13, 2022
- Phase IIb: Monday, September 12, 2022
The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is by 9:00 am five (5) working days prior to submission to the agency.
2022 SSHRC Insight Development Grants (IDG) Competition
- Value: $7,000 - $75,000
- Duration: 1 – 2 years
- Deadlines: Wednesday, February 2, 2022
SSHRC is accepting applications to the 2022 Insight Development Grants (IDG) competition. Objectives include:
- to enable the development of new research questions, as well as experimentation with new methods, theoretical approaches and/or ideas; and
- to foster research in its early stages, but are not intended to support large-scale initiatives
This program supports research in its initial stages. Please refer to the internal notices above to learn more about An information session that will be hosted by LA&PS on December 15, 2021.
If you have questions about this opportunity please contact Max Dagenais, Research Facilitator at Mandatory internal deadline for ORS review is Monday, January 10, 2022, for full application review. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is by 9:00 am five (5) working days prior to submission to the agency.
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute - Programmes for 2022-22
- Overhead: Not applicable
- Value
- For a bi-national Conference/Symposium: INR 50,000 (approx. CAD 850)
- For a Lecture Series/ Workshop/Seminar: INR 25,000 (approx. CAD 425)
- Duration: Not specified, event must take place before March 15, 2022
- Deadlines: 11:59 pm (IST) on Thursday, December 30, 2021
The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) recently announced its funding programmes for 2021-2022. All proposed research will be done remotely by making use of online tools and will be based on the Institute’s COVID-19 policy. the Objective is to organize virtual events like seminars, workshops, conferences, and lecture series.
Final proposal and fully signed ORS Checklist due at ORS for required review by 9:00 am on Thursday, 16 December 2021. If you have questions about this opportunity please contact Max Dagenais, Research Facilitator at
Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s 2021/22 Highway Infrastructure Innovations Funding Program (HIIFP) – Call for Proposals
- Value: The award value is subject to budget approval and the Ministry may have to delay any awards until the budget has been approved.
- Required Overhead: 25%
- Duration: One year, with some consideration for multi-year proposals
- Deadlines: Monday, January 17, 2022, 4:00 pm EST
The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) recently announced its 2021/2022 Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program (HIIFP). The HIIFP funds research at Ontario colleges and universities to encourage applied research in transportation infrastructure in Ontario.
Please see the HIIFP guidelines for more details.
Objectives include:
- to fund research at Ontario colleges and universities to encourage applied research in transportation infrastructure in Ontario;
- intended to solicit innovation solutions to assist the Ministry in meeting its strategic plan and to encourage undergraduate and graduate research in transportation and infrastructure engineering by providing funding to aid in such research; and
- designed to supplement the research expertise at the Ministry with that available from Ontario’s academic community.
Faculty members interested in applying should contact Emina Veletanlic, Grant Development Specialist, at Mandatory internal deadline for ORS review is by 9:00 am on Thursday, January 13, 2022, for full application review. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is by 9:00 am five (5) working days prior to submission to the agency.
Ontario Ministry of Transportation: 2021-2022 Road Safety Research Partnership Program
- Required Overhead: 15%
- Value & Duration
- New long-term projects - up to 15 months in duration (max. $180,000 over two years);
- New short-term projects - up to 3 months in duration (max. $50,000); and,
- Ongoing projects - max. $50,000
- Deadlines:
- Application due at Research Accounting for the signature of VP Finance (send to Angela Zeno 9:00 am on Monday, December 6, 2021.
- Agency deadline: until 11:59 pm (EST) on Monday, December 13, 2021
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) recently announced a Call for Proposals (CFP) as part of the 2021-2022 Road Safety Research Partnership Program (RSRPP). This program funds researchers to conduct cutting-edge, road safety research that supports efforts to improve road safety. Objectives include:
- To stimulate applied transportation safety research in Ontario, with a focus on road user behavior and human factors, and to deliver practical policy or program-ready solutions for the MTO
- To facilitate the transfer of knowledge, skills, and methodologies from other disciplines to road user safety research, and to foster collaborative working relationships between MTO and researchers in the academic and broader public sector community
There are three streams of projects that MTO is interested in funding:
- New long-term projects
- New short-term projects, and,
- Ongoing projects, which are already in progress, but have components that address one of the priority areas
All relevant documents for this funding opportunity are included below:
- 3a_MTO RSRPP Application Form 2021-2022_Stream A
- 3b_MTO RSRPP Application Form 2021-2022_Stream B
- 3c_MTO RSRPP Application Form 2021-2022_Stream C.
Faculty members interested in applying should contact Emina Veletanlic, Grant Development Specialist, at Mandatory internal deadline for ORS review is by 9:00 am on Thursday, December 9, 2021, for full application review. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is by 9:00 am five (5) working days prior to submission to the agency.
IDRC Research Awards 2022-2023
- Deadline: February 1, 2022
This year IDRC will offer research awards related to these development areas or themes: Climate-Resilient Food Systems, Democratic and Inclusive Governance, Education and Science, Ethics in Development Research, Global Health, Policy and Evaluation, and Sustainable Inclusive Economies.
If your research proposal is selected, you will join IDRC as a Research award recipient for a period of 12 months from 1 May 2022 to 30 April 2023 with a salary in Canadian dollars between CA$42,033 to CA$48,659 to undertake research on the topic you have submitted. You will receive hands-on experience in research and program management and support, grant administration, and the creation, dissemination, and use of knowledge from an international perspective. To apply, please visit the IDRC website.
If you have any questions, please contact Luke Li, International Partnerships Offices at:
Ontario Research Fund - Research Excellence Grant (ORF-RE Round 11)
The Ministry of Colleges and Universities has launched Round 11 of the Ontario Research Fund - Research Excellence (ORF-RE) program. The ORF-RE program provides funding for eligible direct operating costs as well as a portion of indirect costs for research projects of strategic value to the province. Full program details, including the program guidelines and application forms, are available on the ORF-RE website.
- Stream 1: General – Basic and Applied Research Open to all disciplines
- Value: Funds projects from $500,000 to $2,000,000 (Ontario Portion).
- Duration Funds projects up to a maximum of 5 years
- Stream 2: Targeted – Experimental Research Funds projects that demonstrate strong commercialization potential, where the innovation is at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 3 or higher.
- Value: Funds projects from $300,000 - $1,000,000 (Ontario Portion).
- Duration: Funds projects up to a maximum of 4 years.
Please find here a VPRI Competition Announcement Memo for more details about requirements and timelines. All interested researchers must notify Maheen Hasan, Strategic and Institutional Research Initiatives (SIRI) Specialist at and their Faculty Research Office as soon as possible about their intention to apply.
For faculty-based support for this application, please notify Max Dagenais, Research Facilitator at
Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowships
- ANTICIPATED DEADLINE – check MS Research Faculty Award website for updated deadlines
The Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship sponsored by Microsoft Research recognizes innovative, promising new faculty, whose exceptional talent for research and innovation identifies them as emerging leaders in their fields. Provisions for the 2022 award include $100,000 USD awarded annually for two years starting in the fall of 2022. The funds are dispersed through the University as a gift and no portion of the funds may go toward overhead or other indirect costs.
York University may submit up to three nominations. The Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship competition is open to Full-time faculty at a degree-granting college or university in North or South America in these research areas.
Faculties should submit internal nomination materials to the Strategic and Institutional Research Initiatives team via email to Abby Vogus ( by noon on Tuesday, January 11, 2022. If you anticipate submitting an application please contact David Cuff, Director Strategic Research & Partnerships, at
Research Data Management Capacity Building Initiative
- Value: $7K - $25K for Events | $7K - $50K for Outreach activities
- Duration: 1 year
- Agency Deadline: February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1, 2022
Following the release of the tri-agency research data management policy in March 2021, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) is pleased to announce the extension of the Research Data Management Capacity Building Initiative. This initiative aims to continue helping the Canadian social sciences and humanities research community better understand data management, and incorporate data management considerations into research practices.
The initiative will fund at least 10 meritorious Connection Grants proposals per competition for the November 2021, February, May and August 2022 cycles, to support the research community’s development, adoption and dissemination of research data management standards, practices, tools and skills appropriate to their field.
If you have questions about this opportunity please contact Max Dagenais, Research Facilitator at
Mandatory internal deadline for ORS review is no later than 12:00 pm on the agency deadline date. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is no later than 3 business days prior to agency deadline at 9:00 am.
Nomination for Royal Society of Canada Medals & Awards
Please find in this VPRI Memo RSC Medals 2022 information regarding the process for the 2022 nomination cycle for Royal Society of Canada (RSC) Medals & Awards, which will be launched on January 15, 2022. Please consult the RSC website for an updated nomination guide and instructions that will be made available by RSC after that date.
Mitacs Business Strategy Internship Program
- Value
- $10K; the partner pays $5K and no university funds are required $15K; the partner pays only $7.5K and no university funds are required.
- At $15K, participants have the option of using up to $5K for specified project costs or to top up the intern stipend.
- Duration: 4 months
- Deadlines: Rolling
Mitacs is accepting applications to its new Business Strategy Internship Program. This program allows students to apply their technical expertise to business challenges to support an organization’s innovative activities. A summary is provided below. The main objective is to enable the brightest students to undertake a collaborative internship with businesses or eligible not-for-profit organizations (NFPs). The award is open to students across all disciplines, from law to STEM to social sciences and humanities. If you have questions about this opportunity please contact Max Dagenais, Research Facilitator at
Mandatory internal deadline for ORS review is by 9:00 am two (2) working days prior to submission to agency. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is by 9:00 am five (5) working days prior to submission to agency.
Mitacs Accelerate SME Discount
Mitacs has just launched a special SME discount call for the Accelerate program. Faculty members that are collaborating with a company/Not for Profit (NFP) that has fewer than 500 employees, can get a discounted rate for the company contribution. The main points of the program are:
- The contribution is $3,750+HST from the partner + $11,250 from Mitacs (instead of the standard $7,500+HST from partner and $7,500 from Mitacs) for a 4-6 month internship unit.
- Submission deadline is February 1st, 2022, or while quantities last.
- 1 discounted unit per named intern
- Partner has to be 1-499 employees, including NFPs
If you have questions about this opportunity please contact Max Dagenais, Research Facilitator at
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants (PEG)
- Value: $7,000 to $25,000
- Duration: 1 year
- Agency Deadline: March 15, June 15, and September 15, December 15,2022, at 12:00 PM (EST)
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants (PEG) provide short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector. The small-scale, stakeholder-driven partnerships supported through Partnership Engage Grants are meant to respond to immediate needs and time constraints facing organizations in non-academic sectors. To access an application form and full instructions, log into your SSHRC account. If you are interested in applying for this opportunity, please contact Max Dagenais, Research Facilitator, at
Mandatory internal deadline for ORS review is by 9:00 am on the agency deadline. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is by 9:00 am two (2) working days prior to submission to agency.
NSERC Alliance-Mitacs Accelerate Grants
- Value: Standard Alliance Option 1 values apply: min $20K/year – max $1M/year
- Duration: Up to 5 years
- Deadline: rolling
NSERC in partnership with Mitacs is pleased to announce a new joint initiative: NSERC Alliance-Mitacs Accelerate Grants that will support the R&D efforts of Canadian university researchers and their partners while supporting highly qualified personnel including students and/or postdoctoral fellows. The new opportunity is being offered through NSERC’s Alliance grants and Mitac’s Accelerate programs. If you have questions about this opportunity please contact Emina Veletanlic, Grant Development Specialist at
Mandatory internal deadline for ORS review is by 9:00 am two (2) working days prior to submission to agency. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is by 9:00 am five (5) working days prior to submission to agency.
NSERC - Alliance Grants: Option 2
- Value: over $30,000 to $100,000 per year
- Duration: 1 to 5 years
- Deadline: No deadline
NSERC has released details about a new Alliance Option 2 two-pager that provides an overview of what the NSERC - Alliance Grants option 2 funding is all about. The projects should aim to address and are driven by an unmet societal need, meaning that the results matter not just to the partner organizations but also to the public. Refer to the NSERC resources page to access the best practices webinar, a summary of NSERC requirements and more. The results should be broadly shared in various formats, allowing even non-specialists outside the project to understand and use the results. Faculty members interested in applying should contact Emina Veletanlic, Grant Development Specialist, at
Learn more about NSERC - Alliance Grant option 2 (EN)
Learn more about NSERC - Alliance Grant option 2 (FR)
Mandatory internal deadline for ORS review is by 9:00 am two (2) working days prior to submission to agency. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is by 9:00 am five (5) working days prior to submission to agency.