March 28, 2022 Issue
The LA&PS Research Office publishes a bi-weekly Research Digest to keep faculty members informed about important research issues and opportunities.
If you or your unit is planning an event, a notice or a funding opportunity that you would like included in our Digest Newsletter, please send these to
In this issue:
LA&PS Spotlights

Gregory Chin : Research Impact through Media Partnerships
LA&PS supports collaborations focused on bridging the gap between academia, policy, and practice. York professor Gregory Chin’s collaboration with media, for instance, draws from his research expertise on China, international finance, and global governance, and his past experience as a Canadian diplomat, to advocate for diplomacy in a world of rising conflict between the Great Powers, including the response to the current Ukraine-Russia conflict.
In his article "From Soaring Gas Prices to Another World War: Economic Sanctions Can Lead to Unintended Consequences", for The Conversation Canada, Chin warns against unintended long-lasting impacts such as surging food and gas prices in the developing world and the advanced economies. Chin’s collaboration with the Conversation Canada, was followed by his recent interview with the CBC show "The Cost of Living", where he discusses China's attempts to use its currency internationally (to buffer against international sanctions), and what it could mean for Canada and the world. In the interview, Dr. Chin stated that "China would like to see its currency used alongside the US dollar and the euro, in a multi-polar currency scenario."
Chin’s collaborations with the media bridge the gap between public understanding of current affairs and his research expertise. These contributions are timely and form a critical response to increasing polarisation and disorder in the world economy. For more information on his recent projects and collaborations, please connect with him at
RCPS Talk on Global Solidarity and Cooperation, Human Rights and Vaccine Equity
In LA&PS we champion initiatives that link academia with local, national and global issues. The Resource Centre for Public Sociology (RCPS) at the Sociology department supports faculty members and students with services and activities focused on advancing research in public sociology and promoting innovative methods in sociological research. A range of events, a social innovation hub and related facilities make the RCPS a dynamic space for public sociology engagements.
This year the Centre is hosting talks under the 2022 Global Public Sociology Conversation series. On Fri, 28th January 2022, RCPS held its first talk in this series, focusing on the issues of global solidarity, vaccine equity and human rights. Panelists included Prof. Obiora C. Okafor (Edward B. Burling Chair in International Law and Institutions at the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University); Roojin Habibi (PhD. Candidate, Osgoode Law School); and Prof. S. Harris Ali (Professor in the department of Sociology at York University).
Discussions at this webinar called attention to the ways in which poor international cooperation was prolonging the pandemic, with devastating consequences for countries of the global South. Panelists highlighted the colonial underpinnings of the Western response to the current pandemic, critiquing agreements that are allowing wealthy countries to access vaccines and boosters ahead of others. Discussions ended with recommendations for a stronger regulatory framework that pushes Western democracies to demonstrate greater accountability to international solidarity and vaccine equity.
The webinar recording can be viewed at YorkU Sociology’s YouTube channel.

Internal Notices
Scholarly Association Program Chair Support for the 2023 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
York University is hosting the 2023 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences under the theme "Reckonings and Re-imaginings". The event will be a unique opportunity for York to showcase its research strengths in the humanities and social sciences and other ground-breaking interdisciplinary work. It will centre the knowledges, histories and cultures of Indigenous and Black peoples, while linking questions of racial and climate justice. Congress 2023 also allows the University community to renew a collective commitment to social justice.
York University scholars are encouraged to take on the role of Program Chair within their scholarly associations to plan their 2023 conferences. To support this role, the University is inviting applications for Congress 2023 Scholarly Association Program Chair Support. This program will support up to 8 selected scholars who will act as Program Chairs for their scholarly associations at Congress 2023 by providing a half course release. A toolkit to assist scholars looking to attract funding to support their programming and conferences will also be available to the community.
York is committed to providing support to those who reflect the diversity of our scholarly community. Indigenous and Black faculty as well as those from other equity deserving groups are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications are due by April 11 and successful applicants will be notified by no later than April 20. For details on how to apply and the eligibility criteria, please visit Congress 2023 Scholarly Association Program Chair Support.
If you have any questions about this initiative, please contact Liz McMahan, Director, Congress 2023.
Research Commons Launching Version 3.0 of the Grant Clinic
Some of the supports available this year include:
- SSHRC Partnership Development Grant Information Session - March 29, 2022
- NSERC Discovery Grant Information Session - April 1, 2022
- Mock review workshops for the CIHR Project Grant and the SSHRC Partnership Development Grant - April 5, 2022 and April 21, 2022
- A new streamlined online application process. Visit the Research Commons Grant Clinic website for more details.
Useful links:
- NFRF Exploration Grant New Applicant and Resubmission Streams (PDF) - Due April 14, 2022
- NSERC Discovery Grant New Applicant and Resubmission Streams (PDF) - Due May 6, 2022
- SSHRC Partnership Development Grant New Applicant and Resubmission Streams (PDF) - Due March 31, 2022
If you have questions or would like to know more, please reach out to George Zhu ( or Research Commons Operations Manager Andrew Castillo (
Health and Society Annual (HESO) Lecture on Fertility Efficiency with Dr. Lucy van de Weil
On Tues, April 5, 2022 - 12:30 pm
Zoom link for the HESO Lecture
Meeting ID: 913 6148 2000
Passcode: 744939
The Health & Society program in the Department of Social Science is pleased to announce its upcoming annual lecture (jointly sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology Studies) with Dr. Lucy van de Wiel, Lecturer and Director of Postgraduate Research in Global Health and Social Medicine at King’s College London.
Dr. Wiel will outline her research into egg freezing, embryo selection and financialization of the fertility sector.
Annual Robarts' Graduate Conference : Walking the Walk? Fatigue and Hope in the Study of Canada
Day 1: Thursday, 7 April 2022
Day 2: Friday, 8 April 2022
Annual Robarts' Graduate Conference Zoom Registration
The 2022 Annual Robarts Centre Graduate Conference will be confronting some of the mainstream representations of Canada with the realities of lasting systemic inequities and the lack of collective action for necessary change. Mobilizing ongoing frustration, impatience and fatigue in a critical and interdisciplinary study of Canada, this conference will reflect on these asymmetries and points of rupture, while also highlighting key pathways to transformation and futures of hope. How are mainstream representations about Canada reproduced and what makes them myths, charades and ironies? What are the gaps between representations and praxis? Where is transformative action being developed and what does it look like? Why are we so tired of trying to reconcile the multiple visages of the country?
Unsettling the University: Activism, Scholarship and the Political Inspirations of Mary-Jo Nadeau
by the Global Labour Research Centre (GLRC)
Friday, April 8, 2022,
10:30 am - 3:30 pm ET
Watch Unsettling the University stream live on YouTube
Unsettling the University honors the intellectual and political legacy of Dr. Mary-Jo Nadeau (1965-2021). It is inspired by her work in three areas: scholarship, activism, and unionism.This event consists of three panels each focusing on an aspect of Mary-Jo’s activism and scholarship: her dedication to anti-racist feminisms, Palestinian solidarity, as well as labour and academic freedom at the university.
For more details please visit the Unsettling the University event listing on GLRC's website.
Research Accounting Year-End Memo 2022
Kindly find attached Research Accounting 2021-2022 Year-End Memo (PDF) for the period ending March 31, 2022
Notice: Electronic Submission of External Grants through Office of Research Services
Given the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, ORS is now accepting electronic submissions of research applications. If you have questions about this process please email You can also access here a description of the external grants submission process and the two versions of the ORS checklist.

Internal Grants
Resumption of LA&PS Travel Grant program
The LA&PS Travel Grant for Dissemination program is reopening and the deadline for applications is Friday April 1 at 12pm.
LA&PS offers this grant to offset costs associated with the public dissemination of research, scholarship, or creativity.
Eligibility: Full-time YUFA faculty members and senior scholars in LA&PS. In the case of CLAs and SRCs, travel must also occur within the term of the appointment. Applications must be submitted in advance of the presentation.
Complete details and application materials will be available on the LA&PS internal funding opportunities page in the week of 14th March. Please continue checking this webpage for more details.
The University has also just updated its International Travel Guidance. It is strongly recommended that applicants consult this before making travel plans.
YCAR Opportunities
Essay and creative award opportunities
Teaching Assistants and Course Directors are encouraged to submit exceptional essays or creative projects to the Global Hong Kong Essay and Creative Project Award and/or the YCAR Undergraduate Asia Essay Award.
Upcoming Internal Funding Opportunities
LA&PS faculty members are reminded that a comprehensive list of internal research funding opportunities is available on our new website (see below). This list includes short descriptions of several individual programs operated by the Dean's Office as well as VPRI.
Upcoming Deadlines:
- Explore Grant Program - Application Form - Deadline March 31st, 2022
- KMb Grant Program - Application Form - Deadline March 31st, 2022
- LA&PS Support for Scholarly Journals - Application Form - Deadline March 31st, 2022
- Minor Research Grant Application Guidelines - April 15th, 2022
- York Indigenous Incentive Grant - Rolling
- LA&PS Black Scholars Research Fund - Rolling
- LA&PS Travel Grant for Dissemination - Deadline April 1, 2022

External Notices
Information Roadshow “Research Opportunities at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)” in the frame of the Mitacs/KIT cooperation with the GRA program
April 5, 2022, 10:00 am ET / 04:00 pm CET
Mitacs is pleased to announce a webinar showcasing its international partner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), in Germany. The goal of this event is to promote potential research collaborations between Canadian partners and KIT, through the Mitacs GRA program. More precisely, the webinar will focus on AI, Hydrogen and Quantum technologies.
Zoom registration for Research Opportunities at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Webinar on Racial Knowledge, Pictoral Segregation, and the Construction of Race through Visual arts in Cuba, 1938-1959.
April 8,2022 at 12:00 pm
This presentation demonstrates the centrality of visual arts for the construction of race, taking Cuba during the mid-20th Century as its case study. The talk explains the different ways in which visual arts empowered the construction of a white, segregated cubanidad that challenged the country’s hegemonic discourses of racial harmony that were grounded on politically sanctioned ideals of racial equality. The arts constituted a unique, privileged realm to express racial tension and to articulate white supremacist discourses that were difficult to disseminate through formal politics.
This event is co-sponsored by the Caribbean Studies Department at the University of Toronto
Global engagement opportunity
The Globally Networked Learning (GNL) approach engages faculty and students in collaborative joint lectures, class discussions, assignments and/or research projects through innovative pedagogies and the use of online communication and information technologies. In addition to innovative pedagogical approaches, GNL promotes and facilitates intercultural communication and global learning for both faculties and students. York University faculty members who embark on a GNL have access to many supports offered through including York International, the Teaching Commons, UIT and the Libraries along with resources from the partner university. To further assist those faculty members to co-develop resources for their GNL course and support GNL initiatives, there is also the GNL award of $1,000. The application deadline for GNL courses of the Fall 2022 and Winter 2023 is Friday, April 8. Access the GNL Faculty Toolkit for more resources. To learn more about GNL, visit the GNL website.

External Grants and Fellowships
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and SSHRC partner to advance Indigenous-led research
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) are partnering on a national research program to advance understanding of reconciliation.
The new partnership further responds to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada’s call to action 65 and supports Calls to Actions 71 to 76. The collaboration will foster research on reconciliation and residential schools, done by and with Indigenous communities. It will leverage the skills and knowledge of both parties—the NCTR's expertise and ability to safeguard the truths of Survivors, their families, communities and others affected by the residential school system; and SSHRC’s role to promote and support research and training in the humanities and social sciences.
This NCTR-SSHRC initiative is taking the form of a one-time funding opportunity, the Partnership Engage Grants—Residential Schools Joint Initiative (PEG RSJI). The PEG RSJI will support projects responding to a community’s need for planning, discussions, archival work or storytelling prior to, or in addition to, excavations or identifications on residential school sites in Canada. Projects can also focus on ground exploration, identification of sites and remains, repatriation of missing children from residential schools in Canada, or mapping and preservation of these sites, as judged appropriate by the community.
Value and duration
- Up to $1 million for the June 2022 Partnership Engage Grants competition to support projects related to residential schools.
- Grants are valued at a maximum amount of $50,000 per project for the duration of one year.
- A one-year automatic grant extension without additional funding is also available under this joint initiative.
PEG RSJI applications are subject to the general Partnership Engage Grants’ eligibility requirements.
Researchers can submit only one application to either Partnership Engage Grants or the PEG RSJI in the same competition (e.g., June 2022).
However, the following exceptions apply:
- Researchers who have already submitted a Partnership Engage Grants application in the current calendar year are still eligible to apply for a PEG RSJI grant; and
- Researchers can hold one Partnership Engage Grant (but not for the June 2022 competition), multiple Partnership Engage Grant COVID-19 Special Initiative awards and a PEG RSJI simultaneously.
Deadline : June 15, 2022
For more details, please visit Partnership Engage Grants—Residential Schools Joint Initiative (PEG RSJI) application process.
Special Call: The New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) – Research for Postpandemic Recovery
Objectives :
- Mobilize Canadian-led research efforts in support of a more equitable, sustainable and resilient postpandemic reality
- Support a diverse portfolio of projects that directly address one or more of the research priorities outlined in the Roadmap (see the UN Roadmap), including any of the UN’s priorities and subpriorities, including but not limited to the “quick-win”, best-buy” and “game-changer” priorities.
Applications must demonstrate how they respond to the priorities laid out in the Roadmap. They may involve disciplines, thematic areas, approaches or subject areas eligible for funding across the three agencies. Eligible projects include short- and medium-term project, as well as discrete phases of longer-range research programs. All projects are expected to have demonstrate results/impact by the end of the grant period.
Projects are required to be interdisciplinary. To be considered interdisciplinary, a proposed research project must combine elements from at least two different disciplines (as defined by a group-level classification based on the Canadian Research and Development Classification). Projects are not required to cross the mandates of more than one federal research funding agency.
Applications for projects that are the same as or similar (in whole or in part) to applications have been submitted to or funded by any federal research funding agency programs, including other NFRF competitions, are not eligible and should not be submitted.
All project teams must include at least one expert in social, economic, or socio-economic research and/or implementation science among the principal investigators (NPI or co-PI) to reflect the socio-economic framework and goals of the UN Roadmap.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To ensure that these grants support projects with a diversity of perspectives and aims, individuals may participate in only one application to this competition as either an NPI or co-PI or co-applicant.
Up to $250,000 per year (including indirect costs)
Indirect Costs
Researchers must include 25% in indirect costs in their applications on top of the direct costs of research.
Up to 2 years
Two-stage application process
- Notification of Intent to Apply (NOI) stage
- Full Application stage
- Copy of NOI along with a fully signed ORS Checklist are due at ORS no later than 9:00am on Monday, April 25, 2022, in order for ORS to provide institutional approval and forward your NOI to NFRF by the Tuesday, April 26th agency deadline
- NOI due at agency – Tuesday, April 26, 2022
- Application due at ORS for full review – Monday, July 25, 2022
- Final application and fully signed ORS Checklist are due at ORS for a mandatory review no later than 12noon on Thursday, August 4, 2022 in order for ORS to provide institutional approval and forward your application to NFRF for August 9th deadline
- Application due at agency – Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Please contact the Faculty Research Office for information on their internal deadlines.
Useful links:
ORS electronic application process
The New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) – Research for Postpandemic Recovery Call for Proposals
Québec Secretariat for Canadian Relations (SQRC) - 2022-23 Support Program for the Canadian Francophonie
- Value and Duration
- Exploration mission – up to $7K per project
- Transfer of expertise – up to $10K per project
- Partnerships – up to $20K per year per project (maximum of $60K for a 3-year project)
- Initiatives by pan-Canadian organization – up to $50K per year per project (maximum of $150K for a 3-year project)
- Deadlines: check the SQRC website for specific deadlines
The Québec Secretariat for Canadian Relations (SQRC) recently announced a Call for Projects for the 2022-23 Support Program for the Canadian Francophonie (PAFC). The program supports different types of projects, classified into four components:
- Exploratory mission
- Transfer of expertise
- Partnerships
- Initiatives by pan-Canadian organizations
If you have questions about this opportunity please contact
Mandatory internal deadline for ORS review Ten (10) business days prior to submission to the agency. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is no later than 3 business days prior to ORS deadline at 9:00 am.
2023 call for nominations for the Killam Prizes
The Killam Prizes are awarded to active Canadian scholars who have distinguished themselves through sustained excellence, making a significant impact in their respective fields in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, and engineering.
For more information about the application process, please visit Killam Prizes | Canada Council for the Arts
Gerda Henkel Foundation - Call for Applications on Forced Migration
- Value: Funding will cover associated costs for personnel, travel, acquiring relevant materials, and/or other necessary expenses.
- Duration: Not stated
- Deadlines: due at agency Wednesday, June 15, 2022
The Gerda Henkel Foundation has launched a new funding program on “Forced Migration.” The program is aimed at researchers across several disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences, Cultural Studies, Law, and Economics.
If you have questions about this opportunity please contact
The Mandatory internal deadline for ORS review on June 1, 2022. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is no later than 3 business days prior to ORS deadline at 9:00 am.
Upcoming: IDRC Call for proposals: Women RISE
- Value: up to $1M
- Duration: Up to 24 months
- Deadlines:
- Program Launch March 2022
- Submit concept notes to IDRC April 2022
- Submit a full draft of the application to SIRI June 2022
- Application deadline July 2022
Women RISE (Women’s health and economic empowerment for a COVID-19 Recovery that is Inclusive, Sustainable and Equitable) is a new initiative to support action-oriented research on how women’s health and their work (paid or unpaid) intersect and interact in the context of preparing for, responding to and recovering from COVID-19.
If you have questions about this opportunity please contact
Application Process: All researchers must notify both their Faculty Research Office and the Office of Research Services (see contact details below) as soon as possible about their intention to apply. To signal your intent to apply and to book a one-on-one meeting, please contact Diana Frasca, Strategic and Institutional Research Initiatives Specialist, in the Office of Research Services, by e-mail (
NSERC Alliance International Grants
- Value
- Catalyst Grants - $25K
- Collaboration Grants - $100K/year
- Duration
- Catalyst Grants – 1 year
- Collaboration Grants – Up to 3 years
- Deadlines: no deadline
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) recently announced the Alliance International grants, a new funding stream to support Canadian university researchers working with leading international academic researchers to establish and grow international research collaborations and projects of global importance that will generate benefits to Canada. the Objectives are to provide support for researchers in Canada to work with leading international researchers from the academic sector, and to establish and grow international research collaborations and projects that have a high potential for impact in NSE disciplines.
Faculty members interested in applying should contact Emina Veletanlic, Grant Development Specialist, at
The Mandatory internal deadline for ORS review 15 working days before submission to the agency. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is no later than 3 business days prior to ORS deadline at 9:00 am.
NSERC Idea to Innovation (I2I) Grants
- Phase I - reduction to practice stage
- Value: Funding is available to a maximum of $125K, and is non-renewable. NSERC will assume 100 percent of the direct costs of research for Phase 1 projects.
- Duration: up to one year
- Deadline: Monday, April 4, 2022
- Phase IIa - Technology Enhancement
- Value: NSERC will support up to two-thirds of the costs of the project with the early-stage entity providing the balance in cash. Funding requested from NSERC should not exceed an average of $125K per year.
- Duration: IIa – 6-18 months
- Deadline: Monday, June 27, 2022
- Phase IIb – up to 24 months
- Value: Funding requested should not exceed $350K for the duration of the project. NSERC may fund up to half the cost of the project, with the company providing the other half through a combination of in-kind and at least 40% cash contributions.
- Duration: up to 24 months
- Deadline: Monday, September 26, 2022
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) is accepting applications to the Idea to Innovation (I2I) Grants Program. This program is available to university researchers to accelerate the pre-competitive development of promising technology originating from the university and college sector and promote its transfer to a new or established Canadian company. The I2I Program provides funding for four phases (Market Assessment, Phase I, Phase IIa and Phase IIb). Objectives include:
- To accelerate the pre-competitive development of promising technology originating from the university and college sector and promote its transfer to a new or established Canadian company
- To provide funding to college and university faculty members to support research and development projects with recognized technology transfer potential.
- To provide crucial assistance in the early stages of technology validation and market connection
Proposals under this program must include a detailed technology transfer and commercialization plan prepared and endorsed by the university. Please contact Yaser Kerachian, Commercialization Manager for VISTA at or ext. 33843, for VISTA-related proposals. For everyone else, please contact Anna Han, Commercialization Manager at or ext. 44315, prior to preparing your application.
Faculty members interested in applying should contact Emina Veletanlic, Grant Development Specialist, at
The Mandatory internal deadlines for ORS for full application review are:
- Market assessment: Monday, December 6, 2021
- Phase I: Monday, March 14, 2022
- Phase IIa: Monday, June 13, 2022
- Phase IIb: Monday, September 12, 2022
The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is by 9:00 am five (5) working days prior to submission to the agency.
Research Data Management Capacity Building Initiative
- Value: $7K - $25K for Events | $7K - $50K for Outreach activities
- Duration: 1 year
- Agency Deadline: May 1, August 1, November 1, 2022
Following the release of the tri-agency research data management policy in March 2021, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) is pleased to announce the extension of the Research Data Management Capacity Building Initiative. This initiative aims to continue helping the Canadian social sciences and humanities research community better understand data management, and incorporate data management considerations into research practices.
The initiative will fund at least 10 meritorious Connection Grants proposals per competition for the November 2021, February, May and August 2022 cycles, to support the research community’s development, adoption and dissemination of research data management standards, practices, tools and skills appropriate to their field.
If you have questions about this opportunity please contact
The mandatory internal deadline for ORS review is no later than 12:00 pm on the agency deadline date. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is no later than 3 business days prior to the agency deadline at 9:00 am.
SSHRC Connection Grants
- Value:
- Events: $7,000 to $25,000
- Outreach activities: $7,000 to $50,000; higher amounts can be considered if well justified
- Duration: 1 Year
- Deadline: May 1, August 1, November 1, February 1 (8 p.m. EST)
Connection Grants support workshops, colloquiums, conferences, forums, summer institutes, or other events or outreach activities. If you have questions about this opportunity please contact
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants (PEG)
- Value: $7,000 to $25,000
- Duration: 1 year
- Agency Deadline: March 15, June 15, and September 15, December 15, 2022, at 12:00 PM (EST)
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants (PEG) provide short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector. The small-scale, stakeholder-driven partnerships supported through Partnership Engage Grants are meant to respond to immediate needs and time constraints facing organizations in non-academic sectors. To access an application form and full instructions, log into your SSHRC account. If you have questions about this opportunity please contact
The mandatory internal deadline for ORS review is by 9:00 am on the agency deadline. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is by 9:00 am two (2) working days prior to submission to the agency.
NSERC Alliance-Mitacs Accelerate Grants
- Value: Standard Alliance Option 1 values apply: min $20K/year – max $1M/year
- Duration: Up to 5 years
- Deadline: rolling
NSERC in partnership with Mitacs is pleased to announce a new joint initiative: NSERC Alliance-Mitacs Accelerate Grants that will support the R&D efforts of Canadian university researchers and their partners while supporting highly qualified personnel including students and/or postdoctoral fellows. The new opportunity is being offered through NSERC’s Alliance grants and Mitac’s Accelerate programs. If you have questions about this opportunity please contact Emina Veletanlic, Grant Development Specialist at
The mandatory internal deadline for ORS review is by 9:00 am two (2) working days prior to submission to the agency. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is by 9:00 am five (5) working days prior to submission to the agency.
NSERC - Alliance Grants: Option 2
- Value: over $30,000 to $100,000 per year
- Duration: 1 to 5 years
- Deadline: No deadline
NSERC has released details about a new Alliance Option 2 two-pager that provides an overview of what the NSERC - Alliance Grants option 2 funding is all about. The projects should aim to address and are driven by an unmet societal need, meaning that the results matter not just to the partner organizations but also to the public. Refer to the NSERC resources page to access the best practices webinar, a summary of NSERC requirements and more. The results should be broadly shared in various formats, allowing even non-specialists outside the project to understand and use the results. Faculty members interested in applying should contact Emina Veletanlic, Grant Development Specialist, at
Learn more about NSERC - Alliance Grant option 2 (EN)
Learn more about NSERC - Alliance Grant option 2 (FR)
Mandatory internal deadline for ORS review is by 9:00 am two (2) working days prior to submission to agency. The recommended LA&PS internal deadline for faculty review is by 9:00 am five (5) working days prior to submission to agency.