Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada



A consortium of humanists, artists, scientists, and engineers, of leading researchers and nonprofit research institutions, HASTAC (”Haystack”) is committed to new forms of collaboration across communities and disciplines fostered by creative uses of technology. Our primary members are universities, supercomputing centers, grid and teragrid associations, humanities institutes, museums, libraries, and other civic institutions. Since 2003, we have been developing tools for multimedia archiving and social interaction, gaming environments for teaching, innovative educational programs in information science and information studies, virtual museums, and other digital projects.

McArthur money– recent competition to fund initiative in digital learning, fine arts and humanities:

via the Hastac blog:
“Here are the stats from the Competition. Pretty incredible. These come courtesy of Brett Walters, our HASTAC and MacArthur Competition webmaster and server maestro. Thanks Brett:

59,056 visits came from 139 countries/territories and used 55
languages (according to users’ browser preferences). Eighty (80)
percent of the traffic was direct, 12% form referring sites and just
under 7% was from search engines.

This suggests that our HASTAC viral network is pretty amazing, if most of the traffic was direct. We really got out the word which means we ALL must have been forwarding the message to friends and groups who forwarded the message. All that. 29,958 Absolute Unique Visitors, 368,651 Pageviews, 7:33 Avg. Time on Site. And, in the final count, 1010 applications. Now, on to finding us some great winners amid huge bounty.

The stats from the DML Competition suggest we are riding an incredible wave of interest in digital learning . . . it’s great to have a surf board.”

also — sect technospheres:
Doug Seefeldt, digital historian – good contact fro you, John?

Fri, October 19 2007 » Future Cinema, YSAR