Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

ar filmmaking


“When it comes to immersive storytelling, one often thinks of holograms, interacting with posters/QR codes or images and of course virtual reality (VR). Augmented reality (AR) is more aligned to social interactions, training and simulation. Especially with mixed reality (MR) applications for Microsoft’s Hololens. AR is not immediately associated with storytelling, but new concepts are bubbling and evolving in the midst of the new era of AR, VR and MR. After seeing a prototype of an AR film, Mária Rakušanová curator of the VR Awards at Raindance Film Festival was keen to showcase it at the Festival. VRFocus spoke to Duncan Walker, the founder of Trashgames about his short AR film NEST and how he made it.”

Wed, November 29 2017 » Future Cinema
