Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

Questions on Jagoda + Brakhage

1. Jagoda points to network aesthetics as having the potential of invoking the sublime. This reminded me of our conversation about No Man’s Sky, and the feeling of awe inspired both by scenery and the AI. Has anyone had any other experiences of the technological sublime?

2. Did anyone develop a working definition of “network” while reading Network Aesthetics? I find that I am struggling to define it for myself. If networks can refer to such a wide variety of social, societal, historical, spatial, etc… structures, can almost anything with a structure be a network? Is that the point?

3. Are Stan Brakhage’s painted films immersive? Or is the idea of “closed eye vision” (implying a look inside oneself) opposed to immersion?

4. Another Brakhage question: From a curational/programming perspective, how did we feel about the format of the screening? Would you have benefited from contextualizing info–short introductions, etc– between each film? Or was it beneficial to not over-intellectualize the content, and experience it all as one onslaught? How might more context foster or break immersion?

Wed, November 14 2018 » Future Cinema
