Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

Oct. 23 Questions – Matt

  1. Despite the Rinna AI’s descent into an “existential crisis” being extremely creepy, could it be argued that it’s another case of humans projecting emotions that aren’t there onto something artificial?
  2. In “Bias in the Algorithm,” it’s stated that “Our mindset is to take risks and fix it later.” Given the omnipresence of all forms of media today in things like politics and social issues, is it even possible to continue this way?
  3. Is it realistic to expect Artificial Intelligence to be able to account for fringe cases and an infinitely expanding number of possibilities when the majority of humans, even in collaboration, are unable to do so either?
  4. As AI is able to automate more and more functions of filmmaking in Hollywood, is there perhaps a chance that access to this technology could pose and even bigger risk to non-franchise-films than even distribution?

Tue, October 22 2019 » Future Cinema
