Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

4 Questions for this week_Week 7_Sisi Wei

The 4 questions I have regarding this week’s readings are:

1. In “Artificial Intelligence Is Automating Hollywood. Now, Art Can Thrive”, it mentions that “we find that a lot of the more manual, mundane jobs become easy targets [for AI automation] where we can have a system that can do that much, much quicker, freeing up those people to do more creative tasks”, I think A.I. is in the process of taking the fundamental work to higher levels of work. When A.I. could handle more creative tasks in the future, what would happen to the human creators?

2. In “Design Justice, A.I., and Escape from the Matrix of Domination”, it says “artifacts have politics”, I am thinking if A.I. technologies are controlled by the power and shaped by the society and politics, would this effect how A.I. present and work in film industry, and what is the outcome?

3. Both “Microsoft’s Japanese schoolgirl AI has fallen into a deep, creepy depression” and “This app is trying to replicate you” express the power of robotized chat and replicas. This kind of app emerge a while ago and some of them could be smart and funny, but the interactions are still very automated. I doubt the chatbot reach the point where they can communicate with human freely and even to a point that they can think.

4. This is a question related to the third question, and related to some videos I frequently see on video apps, that some banks in China have this type of robots that communicate with clients and they can talk just like human, unlike Siri, they don’t talk in auto-tune, they react very much like a normal human-being. I saw a lot of people asking if there’s anyone behind the screen that is controlling and replying, but no one ever gives an answer.

Wed, October 23 2019 » Future Cinema
