Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

Week 5, Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality

Due: Presentation of possible projects and essay topics (this is an opportunity for you to receive feedback from the entire class in order to assist you in framing and writing your proposals).

Week 5, Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality

Due: Presentation of possible projects and essay topics (this is an opportunity for you to receive feedback from the entire class in order to assist you in framing and writing your proposals).

Blair McIntyre, Jay Bolter, Maribeth Gandy “Presence and the Aura of Meaningful Places”

DART – Georgia tech (online)
Judith Barry “Imagination/Dead Imagine” (FC)
Agnes Hegdus “Configuring the Cave” (FC)
GM Hoyagimyan “Notes on Immersion” (FC)
Michael Heim, “The Cyberspace Dialectic” in Lunenfield, Digital Dialectic

Walter Benjamin “Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” (online)
Mobile Bristol (online)

Immersive environments lab
immersive media telemersion system (spherical video)

DART video
Ar prototypes: helen Papagiannis
Michael naimark — place lecture

Tue, September 6 2005 » Bolter, augmented reality, syllabus, virtual reality
