Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

Questions from The Immersive Worlds Handbook

1. What is the outcome of applying worldmaking techniques to future cinema applications/contexts? At what point does the experience transcend “cinema” and morph into a tangential exploration mediated by all of the technology and media involved?

2. How can we deal with the burden of autonomy for the guest/viewer? How do practical limits on interaction and exploration within time limited experiences or more guided narratives change the extent to which immersion can be achieved?

3. In what ways do we suspend our disbelief in everyday retail or public spaces given that many of the techniques for creating immersive worlds are employed by the designers of these spaces?

4. Early in the book Lukas notes that in most cases an immersive world is created to appeal to the majority of society and should be accessible to anyone (ideally). Again, as these immersive tactics are used within regular public settings, so in what ways do establishments or public spaces compromise certain aspects of their immersion to accommodate for the general public?

Mon, October 22 2018 » Future Cinema
