Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

Questions from Michaela – 30 October

1. In the two readings by Ibister and and by Ginsberg, for me, the main question arises: do we need AI applications and games in order to better understand ourselves as humans or the reality around us and the others but not necessarily ourselves?

2. What is better for our human comprehension, that these machines are built based on the similarity, simulation and mirroring or rather on the difference in order to show us our uniqueness?

3. And if we understand games as simulations of reality in order to understand it better, in order to foster socially based emotions such as jealousy, pride, community, togetherness, guilt, complicity; what does it say about humanity when the 1st person shooter games belong among the most popular ones?

4. Many games (as well as serial formats) prove that the 3-act-structure is only one side of narrative formats, and that ‘experiences’ and ‘games’ give us another kind of ‘hybris’ – and that is through emotional journey and user flow. Why are these new media formats marginalized in comparison to the cinema, which is considered as high art?

Wed, October 30 2019 » Future Cinema
